xmol namespace

Reworked original xmol.



namespace algo
namespace detail
namespace future
Backported C++20 features.
namespace geom
Atomic-agnostic geom procedures.
namespace io
namespace predicates
namespace proxy
Proxy references to frame.
namespace trajectory
MD trajectory classes and utilites.
namespace utils


struct BaseAtom
Storage of atomic data except coords.
struct BaseMolecule
Storage of molecule data.
struct BaseResidue
Storage of residue data.
class DeadFrameAccessError
class Frame
Molecular frame, owns all molecular data.
struct ResidueId
class TorsionAngle
class TorsionAngleFactory


using XYZ = xmol::geom::XYZ
using CoordEigenVector = XYZ::Vector_t
using CoordEigenMatrix = Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>
using CoordEigenMatrixf = Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>
using CoordEigenMatrixMap = Eigen::Map<CoordEigenMatrix>
using CoordEigenMatrixMapf = Eigen::Map<CoordEigenMatrixf>
using AtomId = int32_t
using AtomName = xmol::utils::ShortAsciiString<4, false, detail::AtomNameTag>
using ResidueName = xmol::utils::ShortAsciiString<3, false, detail::ResidueNameTag>
using MoleculeName = xmol::utils::ShortAsciiString<1, false, detail::ChainNameTag>
using ResidueInsertionCode = utils::ShortAsciiString<1, false, detail::InsertionCodeTag>
using residueSerial_t = int32_t
using FrameIndex = int32_t
using Index = int
using AtomIndex = Index
using ResidueIndex = Index
using MoleculeIndex = Index
using CoordIndex = Index
using TorsionAngleName = utils::ShortAsciiString<4, true, detail::TorsionAngleNameTag>


auto to_string(const ResidueId& residueId) -> std::string
auto operator<(const ResidueId& lhs, const residueSerial_t& rhs) -> bool
auto operator>(const ResidueId& lhs, const residueSerial_t& rhs) -> bool
auto operator==(const ResidueId& lhs, const residueSerial_t& rhs) -> bool
auto operator!=(const ResidueId& lhs, const residueSerial_t& rhs) -> bool
auto operator<=(const ResidueId& lhs, const residueSerial_t& rhs) -> bool
auto operator>=(const ResidueId& lhs, const residueSerial_t& rhs) -> bool
auto operator<(const residueSerial_t& lhs, const ResidueId& rhs) -> bool
auto operator>(const residueSerial_t& lhs, const ResidueId& rhs) -> bool
auto operator==(const residueSerial_t& lhs, const ResidueId& rhs) -> bool
auto operator!=(const residueSerial_t& lhs, const ResidueId& rhs) -> bool
auto operator<=(const residueSerial_t& lhs, const ResidueId& rhs) -> bool
auto operator>=(const residueSerial_t& lhs, const ResidueId& rhs) -> bool

Typedef documentation

using xmol::XYZ = xmol::geom::XYZ
#include <xmol/base.h>

using xmol::CoordEigenVector = XYZ::Vector_t
#include <xmol/base.h>

using xmol::CoordEigenMatrix = Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>
#include <xmol/base.h>

using xmol::CoordEigenMatrixf = Eigen::Matrix<float, Eigen::Dynamic, 3, Eigen::RowMajor>
#include <xmol/base.h>

using xmol::CoordEigenMatrixMap = Eigen::Map<CoordEigenMatrix>
#include <xmol/base.h>

using xmol::CoordEigenMatrixMapf = Eigen::Map<CoordEigenMatrixf>
#include <xmol/base.h>

using xmol::AtomId = int32_t
#include <xmol/base.h>

using xmol::residueSerial_t = int32_t

using xmol::FrameIndex = int32_t

using xmol::Index = int
#include <xmol/fwd.h>

using xmol::AtomIndex = Index
#include <xmol/fwd.h>

using xmol::ResidueIndex = Index
#include <xmol/fwd.h>

using xmol::MoleculeIndex = Index
#include <xmol/fwd.h>

using xmol::CoordIndex = Index
#include <xmol/fwd.h>

Function documentation

std::string xmol::to_string(const ResidueId& residueId)

bool xmol::operator<(const ResidueId& lhs, const residueSerial_t& rhs)

bool xmol::operator>(const ResidueId& lhs, const residueSerial_t& rhs)

bool xmol::operator==(const ResidueId& lhs, const residueSerial_t& rhs)

bool xmol::operator!=(const ResidueId& lhs, const residueSerial_t& rhs)

bool xmol::operator<=(const ResidueId& lhs, const residueSerial_t& rhs)

bool xmol::operator>=(const ResidueId& lhs, const residueSerial_t& rhs)

bool xmol::operator<(const residueSerial_t& lhs, const ResidueId& rhs)

bool xmol::operator>(const residueSerial_t& lhs, const ResidueId& rhs)

bool xmol::operator==(const residueSerial_t& lhs, const ResidueId& rhs)

bool xmol::operator!=(const residueSerial_t& lhs, const ResidueId& rhs)

bool xmol::operator<=(const residueSerial_t& lhs, const ResidueId& rhs)

bool xmol::operator>=(const residueSerial_t& lhs, const ResidueId& rhs)