smartReference counting (smart) proxies.
- Reference
- class AtomSmartRef
- Smart Atom reference proxy.
- class AtomSmartSelection
- AtomSelection with parent frame changes tracking.
- class AtomSmartSpan
- AtomSpan with parent frame changes tracking.
- class CoordSmartSelection
- CoordSelection with parent frame changes tracking.
- class CoordSmartSpan
- CoordSpan with parent frame changes tracking.
template<typename Observer>class FrameObserver
- class MoleculeSmartRef
- Smart Molecule reference proxy.
- class MoleculeSmartSelection
- MoleculeSelection with parent frame changes tracking.
- class MoleculeSmartSpan
- MoleculeSpan with parent frame changes tracking.
- class ResidueSmartRef
- Smart Residue reference proxy.
- class ResidueSmartSelection
- ResidueSelection with parent frame changes tracking.
- class ResidueSmartSpan
- ResidueSpan with parent frame changes tracking.