- Reference
Lightweight proxy reference classes for Atom, Residue and Molecule.
Instances are invalidated on insertion/deletion of corresponding entity to parent frame. Access to invalidated instance is prohibited and most likely would lead to immediate SEGFAULT (if you are lucky)
- namespace xmol
- Reworked original xmol.
- namespace xmol::proxy
- Proxy references to frame.
- class xmol::proxy::CoordRef
- Lightweight XYZ reference.
- class xmol::proxy::MoleculeRef
- Lightweight molecule reference.
- class xmol::proxy::ResidueRef
- Lightweight residue reference.
- class xmol::proxy::AtomRef
- Lightweight atom reference.
- struct xmol::proxy::Selection::LessThanComparator
- struct xmol::proxy::Selection::LessThanComparator
- struct xmol::proxy::Selection::LessThanComparator
- struct xmol::proxy::Selection::LessThanComparator