xmol/proxy/proxy.h file


Lightweight proxy reference classes for Atom, Residue and Molecule.

Instances are invalidated on insertion/deletion of corresponding entity to parent frame. Access to invalidated instance is prohibited and most likely would lead to immediate SEGFAULT (if you are lucky)


namespace xmol
Reworked original xmol.
namespace xmol::proxy
Proxy references to frame.


class xmol::proxy::CoordRef
Lightweight XYZ reference.
class xmol::proxy::MoleculeRef
Lightweight molecule reference.
class xmol::proxy::ResidueRef
Lightweight residue reference.
class xmol::proxy::AtomRef
Lightweight atom reference.
struct xmol::proxy::Selection::LessThanComparator
struct xmol::proxy::Selection::LessThanComparator
struct xmol::proxy::Selection::LessThanComparator
struct xmol::proxy::Selection::LessThanComparator


auto to_string(const MoleculeRef& mol) -> std::string
auto to_string(const ResidueRef& res) -> std::string
auto to_string(const AtomRef& atom) -> std::string