xmol/proxy/selections.h file

Ligthweight selections of Atom, Reference and Molecule references.



namespace xmol
Reworked original xmol.
namespace xmol::proxy
Proxy references to frame.


class xmol::proxy::MultipleFramesSelectionError
class xmol::proxy::CoordSelectionSizeMismatchError
class xmol::proxy::CoordSelection
class xmol::proxy::AtomSelection
class xmol::proxy::ResidueSelection
class xmol::proxy::MoleculeSelection


auto operator|(const AtomSelection& lhs, const AtomSelection& rhs) -> AtomSelection
auto operator-(const AtomSelection& lhs, const AtomSelection& rhs) -> AtomSelection
auto operator&(const AtomSelection& lhs, const AtomSelection& rhs) -> AtomSelection
auto operator|(const ResidueSelection& lhs, const ResidueSelection& rhs) -> ResidueSelection
auto operator-(const ResidueSelection& lhs, const ResidueSelection& rhs) -> ResidueSelection
auto operator&(const ResidueSelection& lhs, const ResidueSelection& rhs) -> ResidueSelection
auto operator|(const MoleculeSelection& lhs, const MoleculeSelection& rhs) -> MoleculeSelection
auto operator-(const MoleculeSelection& lhs, const MoleculeSelection& rhs) -> MoleculeSelection
auto operator&(const MoleculeSelection& lhs, const MoleculeSelection& rhs) -> MoleculeSelection